pyTivo for Amahi



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pyTivo is both an HMO and GoBack server. Similar to TiVo Desktop, pyTivo loads many standard video compression codecs and outputs mpeg2 (or in some cases, h.264) video to the TiVo. However, pyTivo is able to load many more file types than TiVo Desktop.

Output 4:3 or 16:9 and pad your video if needed. Transfer compatible video files without transcoding. Transfer TiVo recordings (.tivo) from computer to TiVo. Display Metadata about your video. Serve Music and Photos through the HMO protocol Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac Requirements
Home Page pyTivo
Version 0.14.1
Contributor lassenloop
Updated about 8 years ago
Tags tivo, pytivo, media, movies, music, pictures
  • Fedora 19 Fedora 21
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

This app is in status ALPHA and is only available for testing to members of the Amahi Tester Program until the app is stable to become Live.

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