Nagios 3 for Amahi

Nagios 3

Nagios 3

4.0 / 10 ratings

Nagios is a powerful monitoring system that enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes.

Nagios monitors your entire IT infrastructure to ensure systems, applications, services, and business processes are functioning properly. In the event of a failure, Nagios can alert technical staff of the problem, allowing them to begin remediation processes before outages affect business processes, end-users, or customers. With Nagios you'll never be left having to explain why a unseen infrastructure outage hurt your organization's bottom line.

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Provides monitoring of all mission-critical infrastructure components - including applications, services, operating systems, network protocols, system metrics, and network infrastructure.
  • Visibility: Provides central view of your entire IT operations network and business processes.
  • Awareness: Alerts are delivered to IT staff via email and SMS. Multi-user notification escalation capabilities ensure alerts reach the attention of the right people.
  • Problem Remediation: Event handlers allow you to automatically restart failed applications, services, servers, and devices when problems are detected.
  • Trending and Capacity Planning: Allows organizations to plan for infrastructure upgrades before outdated systems catch them by surprise.
  • Reports: Ensure SLAs are being met, provides historical records of outages, notifications, and alert response for later analysis.
  • Extendable Architecture: Provides easy integration with in-house and third-party applications. Hundreds of community-developed addons extend core functionality.
Nagios 3
Home Page Nagios 3
Version 3.5.1
Contributor bigfoot65
Updated about 8 years ago
  • Fedora 14 Ubuntu 12.04
  • Fedora 19 Fedora 21
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

This app is in status ALPHA and is only available for testing to members of the Amahi Tester Program until the app is stable to become Live.

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