Donations and Financial Support

Support Amahi

Amahi T-Shirt

Thanks for your support and contributions to Amahi! In addition to all the contributions we have to date, some users have asked to donate in a more direct way.

Some resources are always in need and much appreciated: hardware, co-location, bandwidth and mirrors.

Ultimately, the most valuable thing you can do for Amahi is to contribute yourself.

Help with development, code patches, localization, file bugs, package and test applications, send feedback and of course, encourage friends to use Amahi!

Direct Donations

To help Amahi in a monetary way, you can show your appreciation with a donation via PayPal

Show Your Support

Amahi Mug

To show your support for Amahi, you can

When you purchase these items, a direct contribution to Amahi is included in the purchase price.

Your contributions will be used towards general expenses, like hosting and bandwidth, and a contribution to the Free Software Foundation.

Link to Amahi

Amahi Sticker

Another way to help is by linking to this web site! Blog about Amahi, about your experience, tell the community how to improve things. Share it in your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, or our Forums.

But remember, the best way to help is to contribute yourself!