CUPS for Amahi



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CUPS is the software you use to print from applications like the web browser you are using to read this page. It converts the page descriptions produced by your application (put a paragraph here, draw a line there, and so forth) into something your printer can understand and then sends the information to the printer for printing. It also provides a PDF printer on the HDA.

Now, since every printer manufacturer does things differently, printing can be very complicated. CUPS does its best to hide this from you and your application so that you can concentrate on printing and less on how to print. Generally, the only time you need to know anything about your printer is when you use it for the first time, and even then CUPS can often figure things out on its own.
Home Page CUPS
Version 1.6.4
Contributor bigfoot65
Updated over 8 years ago
Tags printers, server
  • Fedora 14 Ubuntu 12.04
  • Fedora 19 Fedora 21
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

This app is in status ALPHA and is only available for testing to members of the Amahi Tester Program until the app is stable to become Live.

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