Firefly III (Docker) for Amahi

Firefly III (Docker)

Firefly III (Docker)

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This is a Docker implementation of Firefly III, a self-hosted financial manager. It can help you keep track of expenses, income, budgets and everything in between. It supports credit cards, shared household accounts and savings accounts. It’s pretty fancy. You should use it to save and organise money.

This application is for people who want to track their finances, keep an eye on their money without having to upload their financial records to the cloud.

NOTE: The Amahi Docker CE application will be installed automatically.


Check out these tools in the documentation that several users have built around the Firefly III API.

Firefly III (Docker)
Home Page Firefly III (Docker)
Version 5.4.6
Contributor bigfoot65
Updated about 3 years ago
Tags finance,accounts,bank,credit,assets,budget,docker
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

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